Невероятни фотоси улавят момента, в който гей татковци наблюдават раждането на детето си

Малко подаръци са по-големи от човешки живот.

Анджи от Онтарио, Канада, се запознала с французите Сам и Джон чрез организацията Canadian Fertility Consulting. Двамата мъже отишли чак в Канада, защото от 1994 насам всички форми на сурогатство са забранени във Фанция. В Канада обаче, жени могат да износват деца за други семейства, стига да не им се заплаща повече от разходите около бременността.

Банер Кабинет Дъга – 728×90

Прекрасният момент, в който бебето на Сам и Джон се появява на този свят, е уловен от професионалната фотографка на раждания Meagan Adams, която публикува някои от снимките в Instagram.

The past 48 hours of my life have been some of the most emotional Ive ever experienced. Every birth is an honour. Each time I am grateful. I am in awe of what women are capable of, despite the fact that Ive seen it first hand 4 times. There is NOTHING like watching a woman, persevere and trust her body to deliver a baby, that she will not mother. I am forever in love with Angie, and the men who’s lives she changed by making them Daddies. I don’t know how I am not going to share every single image from this birth. Surrogacy is life giving. @birthbecomesher @canadian_birth_photographers @birthwithoutfear @birthunited @empoweredbirthproject . . #birthbecomesher #surrogacy #surrogacyincanada #birthwithoutfear #loveislove #birthunited #empoweredbirthproject #positivebirth #homesweethomebirth #homebirth #feelthefeelings #birthphotographer #birthphotography #midwife #bumpbirthandbeyond #thebirthnarrative #birthphotogs #ldnont #ldnontbirthphotographer #stopcensoringmotherhood #dontforgetdads #bestofdad #fatherhood #surrogate #love #birthunitedus #birthisbeautiful #motherhoodrising #skintoskin

A post shared by Meagan Adams (@birthstories.by.meaganadams) on

„Последните 48 часа бяха най-емоционалното ми преживяване“, пише тя. „Всяко раждане е чест. Всеки път съм благодарна. НИЩО не може да се сравни с това да наблюдаваш жена, направляваща тялото си да роди дете, което няма да отгледа. Винаги ще обичам Анджи и мъжете, чиито животи тя промени, правейки ги татковци.“

It’s obvious what can be seen. A woman, feeling exhausted. Fighting both with and against the pain her body is feeling. Breathing deeply, trusting the process. Labouring to bring a baby into the world. What can’t be seen? Two dads, who have worked, who have hoped, who have fought the good fight to become parents. Who have found a friend, a new family and a surrogate. Waiting behind where I stood to take this photo, holding each other, shaking with tears streaming down their faces. It’s almost time. Countless hours of dreams and wishes, and in the blink of an eye, that all becomes the past, and the present and future lies within their arms. @birthbecomesher @canadian_birth_photographers @cfc.families @empoweredbirthproject . . . #surrogacyincanada #surrogate #loveislove #lovewins #birthbecomesher #birthphotography #birthunited #birthunitedus #stopcensoringmotherhood #surrogacy #birthphotographer #ldnont #ldnontphotographer #birthisbeautiful #empoweredwomen #empoweredbirthproject #homebirth #homesweethomebirth #uniteinmotherhood #motherhoodrising #carriagehousebirth #midwife #doula #waterbirth #labour #thebirthnarrative #documentaryphotography #bumpbirthandbeyond #birthwithoutfear #vbac

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